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Calendar systems

Use the Date and Time Pickers with non-Gregorian calendars.


You can use either the AdapterDateFnsJalali adapter, which is based on date-fns-jalali, or the AdapterMomentJalaali adapter, which is based on moment-jalaali.

The following demo shows how to use the date-fns-jalali adapter:

ب.ظ.⁩ ⁦12:00⁩ ⁦1400/11/12

The following demo shows how to use the moment-jalaali adapter:

۱۲:۰۰⁩ ⁦۱۴۰۰/۱۱/۱۲


You can use the AdapterMomentHijri adapter, which is based on moment-hijri:

٠٠:٠٠⁩ ⁦١٤٤٣/٠٦/٢٩

Unsupported libraries

If you need to use a date library that is not supported yet, please open an issue in the MUI X repository.


See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.